Evert van Beek, PhD at Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology
e.vanbeek@tudelft.nl / contact@evertvanbeek.com
Evert van Beek, PhD at Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology
e.vanbeek@tudelft.nl / contact@evertvanbeek.com
→ Google Scholar Profile / OrcID: 0000-0002-9383-2820
van Beek, E., Boess, S., Bozzon, A., & Giaccardi, E. (2024). Practice reconfigurations around heat pumps in and beyond Dutch households. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2024.100903
van Beek, E. (2024). Contours in Blurred Design Spaces: More-than-Human Participation of Artifacts in Design-in-Use, in DRS 2024, Boston doi.org/10.21606/drs.2024.443
van Beek, E., Giaccardi, E., Boess, S., & Bozzon, A. (2023). The Everyday Enactment of Interfaces: A Study of Crises and Conflicts in the More-than-Human Home. Journal of Human-Computer Interaction doi.org/10.1080/07370024.2023.2283536
van Beek, E., Giaccardi, E., Boess, S., & Bozzon, A. (2023). Making a scene: Representing and annotating enacted interfaces in co-performances using the screenplay (pictorial), in IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, Milan, Italy. doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.788
Van Der Maden, W., Van Beek, E., Nicenboim, I., Van Der Burg, V., Kun, P., Lomas, J. D., & Kang, E. (2023, July). Towards a Design (Research) Framework with Generative AI (workshop), in Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 107-109) doi.org/10.1145/3563703.3591453
van Beek, E. The shape of getting a heat pump: A product service blueprint for heat pump configurations. (poster) In SBE22Delft – Innovations for the Urban Energy Transition: Preparing for the European Renovation Wave
van Beek, E., & Boess, S. (2022, May). Data encounters in renovated homes: Sense-making beyond displays. In CLIMA 2022 conference. https://doi.org/10.34641/clima.2022.101
Guerra-Santin, O., Xu, L., Boess, S., & van Beek, E. (2022, September). Effect of design assumptions on the performance evaluation of zero energy housing. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1085, No. 1, p. 012017). IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1085/1/012017
Van Dijk, J., van Beek, E. (2021). The Dynamic Agency of Smart Objects: An embodied phenomenological perspective on smart objects in everyday life. In: Rozendaal, M.C., Marenko, B., Odom, W. (Ed.), Designing Smart Objects in Everyday Life: Intelligences, Agencies, Ecologies. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing doi.org/10.5040/9781350160156.ch-005
Rozendaal, M.C., van Beek, E., Haselager, P., Abbink, D., & Jonker, C. M. (2020). Shift and Blend: Understanding the hybrid character of computing artefacts on a tool-agent spectrum. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (pp. 171-178). doi: 10.1145/3406499.3415066
Geerts, D., van Beek, E., Chocron Miranda, F. (2019). Viewers’ Visions of the Future: Co-Creating Hyper- Personalized and Immersive TV and Video Experiences. TVX ‘19 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. doi: 10.1145/3317697.3323356
Geerts, D., Nouwen, M., van Beek, E., Slegers, K., Chocron Miranda, F., & Bleumers, L. (2018). Using the SGDA Framework to Design and Evaluate Research Games. Simulation & Gaming.
Van Beek, E. (2018). Bagsight: A study in perception through objects with intention. Abstract in proceedings of the Conference on Human-Technology Relations: Postphenomenology and Philosophy of Technology.
2020 – now
PhD research
Industrial Design Engineering – TU Delft
This research is about the everyday improvisation which happens when households adapt to smart and sustainable technologies. I use ethnography and design research and build on a more-than-human framework of co-performance. This research is funded by RVO as part of the Integrale Energietransitie Bestaande Bouw (an industry-research consortium). Supervised by Stella Boess, Alessandro Bozzon and Elisa Giaccardi.
2018 – now
Teaching experience
TU Delft
2018 – now: Design in Robotics (BSc, interdisciplinary minor) – developed and teach my own module on Human-Robot Interaction
2020 – now: Prototyping for Interaction and Participation (MSc, elective) – coach
2023: Context and Conceptualisation (MSc) – coach
2021: Living Labs (MSc MADE @ AMS institute) – coach
2020: Exploring Interactions (MSc) – coach
2020: Design Theory and Methodology (MSc) – coach
2020: Research Methodology (MSc) – coach
2020: User Experience Assessment and Design (MSc) – coach
2020: Interactive Environments (BSc) – coach
2020: Interaction and Electronics (BSc) – coach
2020: Designing Connected Experiences (BSc, elective) – coach
Guest lectures
2020 – now: Design Research, yearly lecture in MSc MADE @ AMS institute
2023: Climate Activism Design, self-initiated workshop in BSc climate bootcamp
2023: Scripts and More-than-Human Performativity, workshop in MSc elective More-than-Human Design Experiments
Supervised master students
2023: Yichen Jin, Tailored family adaptation to living in a zero-energy house
2022: Mare de Koning, A new proposition for smart charging at home (with Vattenfall)
2022: Anouk Vergunst, Stitched Strain Sensors: supporting at-home rehabilitation exercises
2020: Jizhou Long, Design for worrying: Embodied interactions to improve well-being
2018 – 2020
Research projects
TU Delft
Perception of Intelligent Artifacts:
My own project on intelligent artifacts and the role of ethical values in design. Building on my graduation project, writing a grant proposal and academic publications (see Grants).
Supporting residents to develop new practices in zero energy homes. Sensor data analysis and visualization, interviews and qualitative data analysis | with dr. Stella Boess and dr. Sacha Silvester
2017 – 2018
Researcher in Human Computer Interaction
Mintlab KU Leuven – imec
Designing, prototyping and evaluating interactions between people and digital technology. Co-design workshops and studies at home. With academic and industrial partners.
A consortium project on developing interfaces for knowledge engineering in health to personalize care paths.
The Future of Watching TV:
A commissioned project to envision future technologies in video and TV through generative sessions with users and prototypes (see Publications).
2012 – now
Research, graphic-, product-, and UX-design for different clients Recent projects include: A design project on smart clothing. A design research project on sustainable practices in a hospital. Organizing and executing training in Solidworks-software.
Volunteer Energy Advisor with 015Duurzaam. Visiting and coaching households on energy saving and energy poverty in Delft area
I review for:
– Human Computer Interaction Journal
– Buildings & Cities
2022 – now
StudioLab labtalks. I am co-responsible for organizing and hosting semi-weekly labtalks for our design research community with speakers from the field of design
workshop organization
Designing by and with residents. I organized and led a workshop in the Urban Energy Institute Symposium
workshop organization
Integrating Sustainable Energy in Households. I co-organized and led a workshop in the PowerWeb conference
event organization
Dutch Design Week, Design United.DIALOGUES on More-than-Human. I was part of the committee that organized, curated and hosted an afternoon about more-than-human design (link)
workshop organization
Towards a Design (Research) Framework with Generative AI. We organized a full day workshop at the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems conference in Pittsburgh (link)
workshop participation
International Workshop on Household Innovation and Agency in Sustainability Transitions. I participated in a week long academic workshop organized in Prato, Italy by Monash University (link)
workshop organization
Smart objects as tools and partners. I organized a small workshop for the Hybrid-Intelligence – Ethics of Distruptive Technologies consortium (link)
ZonMW Open Competition (co-author) €750.000, idea invited for full application, not granted. Designing intelligent assistive devices for empowering partnerships. Co-applicants: prof.
Catholijn Jonker, prof. Ibo van de Poel, prof. David Abbink, dr. Marco Rozendaal
Delft Design for Values-institute (leading author) €6.000, granted. Understanding the Perception of Intentional Behavior of Intelligent Artifacts (link). Co-applicants: Prof. Catholijn Jonker, Prof. Ibo van de Poel, Prof. David Abbink, Dr. Marco Rozendaal
workshop participation
Lorentz Center Workshop: Designing Smart Objects as Embodied Agents in Everyday Life. I was invited to participate in an intensive week long academic workshop on smart objects. The output of this workshop is a book in which I co-write a chapter from a phenomenological and embodied cognition perspective with Jelle van Dijk
2017, 2018, 2019
conference presentations and exhibitions
conference volunteering
Research-through-Design 2019 Conference Practical support in the conference (link)
summer school
Summer School on Social Practice Theory
Center for Social Practice Theory
Lancaster University
Data Science for Social Scientists
Data carpentries | 4TU Research Data
University teaching qualification module: DEVELOP
TU Delft Teaching Academy
The University of Edinburgh : Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences
University of Twente : Philosophy of Technology and Design
2013 – 2017
Design for Interaction
Delft University of Technology
MSc Thesis (Grade 9/10) Bagsight: A haptic backpack for visually impaired as a smart object with intentions (video). Methodology: Research-through-design, qualitative, structured experiment, theory-grounded explorations. Supervisors: dr. Marco Rozendaal, prof. Catholijn Jonker, prof. Pim Haselager
Electives in Philosophy, Motion Formgiving, Information Design, Vision in Product Design, Transport Design, Lighting Design
2010 – 2013
Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Minor People in Transit
KvK: 72211083