Making a scene: The screenplay for representing co-performances

We are increasingly living with all kinds of automated technology in our homes and outside. This means that it is not just us, doing everyday life, but we perform practices together with technologies such as smart thermostats and automated lights. To better understand this co-performance, we need ways of describing what people and technologies do and how they respond to each other. In this pictorial, I propose the screenplay (or the movie script) as a way of representing co-performances and analysing them with annotations. Working with this visual vocabulary and notions from the performing arts helps us see where humans and technologies go through crises and resolutions, where they perform rituals together, and how they learn from each other. I applied this method to my own ethnographic data, and introduced it in a workshop in a course on more-than-human design for TU Delft MSc students. It was also presented as a pictorial at IASDR 2023 in Milan.

van Beek, E., Giaccardi, E., Boess, S., & Bozzon, A. (2023). Making a scene: Representing and annotating enacted interfaces in co-performances using the screenplay (pictorial), in De Sainz, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.